Astrology for You

Kristin Odijk is an astrologer here to help you connect with your personal truth

Kristin Odijk

Like a cosmic fingerprint, your birth chart is a snapshot of your soul taken at the time of your first independent breath, when you were already the truest version of yourself. While we never disconnect from our birth chart, life happens and we can lose touch with this most vibrant part of our self.

An astrological reading helps us rediscover ourselves and our utmost potential with the unfolding, layer by layer, of our birth chart, revealing our individual learnings for this lifetime and reconnecting us with who we were born to be.

The people who come to me for an astrological reading are wanting on some level to bring change to their lives, to restore knowledge about themselves that has long been waiting for airtime. Not only will you learn so much about yourself, your session becomes a beautiful opportunity for recalibration and recovery.

It is a gift and an honour to consult with you.

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Understanding your astrological make-up increases your sensitivity for what makes you uniquely ‘you’ and who you can become ~ it’s so much easier to be yourself with clarity and consciousness.

Kristin Odijk at Sari Organik cafe, Ubud, Bali

If you want to feel good about your age (any age!), you’ve come to the right place. I will help you see how each cycle lived is another step on your path ~ to yourself. I can’t tell you how validating, and comforting, this feels.

~ Love, Kristin

Astrological Love Letters

Let’s talk about ‘you’ and who you are here to become