Astrology Readings

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate.”

~ Carl Jung

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Birth Chart Reading

An astrological reading shines light on what makes you uniquely ‘you’ ~ in a way you may not have considered before. By discovering your astrological blueprint you begin to understand and appreciate your truest self, your personality, your identity, your purpose, and the untapped, unlimited potential you have for this lifetime. This understanding increases your sensitivity for who you are today and who you are in the process of becoming ~ it’s so much easier to be yourself with clarity and consciousness.

We’ll explore the energies in your birth chart and how you experience them ~ and how you can work with them ~ in a way that resonates with you. Together we’ll also take a deeper look at what’s going on for you now so you can maximise this time with knowing and awareness.

1 hour 15 minutes ~ A$200

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Top-up & Transits

If you have already had a birth chart reading and you’re curious to know what’s going on for you right now, or if you want to dive deeper into your chart, this session is for you.

Birth charts unfold over time, revealing more awarenesses as we grow and evolve. As we live through each cycle, a new layer of depth and understanding becomes available.

We’ll check in with your chart to explore the transits and major progressions occurring now and up to six months ahead. This is so helpful if you want to leverage your potential, and reassuring if you’re at a turning point or navigating a challenging period and clarity is what you need.

1 hour 15 minutes ~ A$200

Charts for Children

Be a guiding light for your child and explore their star map.

Understanding your child’s birth chart gives you precious knowledge into their nature and who they are here to become. You will discover their Moonprint, aka their emotional needs template, and how they need to be nourished and nurtured. You will learn their communication and learning style, and what drives and motivates them. We’ll discuss ways you can encourage your child’s self-worth, build their confidence and support what they love.

You can then reflect your child’s true self back to them instead of projecting yourself onto them.

These very special sessions are for the primary caregivers of children up to 16 years. If you have any questions about these readings, please reach out.

1 hour 15 minutes ~ A$200

Gift Certificates

A gift of the stars is a wonderful thing! And perfect for birthdays, holidays and special occasions.

If you would like to send the recipient a printable gift certificate, let me know the recipient's name in the notes field upon payment and I will email a gift certificate PDF to you.

This gift certificate is redeemable for any type of astrological reading with me.

(Gift cards are also available, allowing you to pay an amount towards an astrological reading with me. For you or for someone you love. Please contact me for details.)

Gift certificates are not refundable.

1 hour 15 minutes ~ A$200

“When I have a session with you I will always explain your birth chart and what’s going on for you now using the clearest most helpful language I can, using relatable examples and stories. We’ll draw on your experience so we have a two-way conversation where you are as involved as you want to be in uncovering your truth and developing your own understanding.”

— Kristin Odijk