
“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”

~ Leonard Cohen

My meditation style is very instinctive and intuitive.

Meditation doesn’t need to be rigid or controlled ~ you don’t have to sit cross-legged or breathe a certain way. You can, of course, but you don’t have to. And if you fall asleep, you probably need the rest.

Everything I teach is steeped in reality and is as honest as possible because I found meditation very challenging when I began learning. I had no idea what I was doing and I felt like I was the only person in the class that didn’t get it ~ basically I thought I sucked at meditation. So I essentially taught myself using a very natural, spontaneous approach and found my own way in, without following one particular style or a specific lineage ~ admittedly unsure I was doing the right thing because meditating this way felt so effortless. It wasn’t until I began formally studying meditation teacher training with like-minded teachers that I understood my free-form style was more than okay, and is in fact known as ‘instinctive meditation’. And that this natural, very forgiving style would form the basis of my way in as a meditation teacher too.

Meditation is my playground, my place to process, my space to learn and evolve. A space where I dive deep and journey through whatever needs to be felt and understood. A space where I can create and then give to others.

I offer meditation guidance to all ~ from beginner adults, teenagers in groups and one on ones, to people who have been meditating for years and just need to find the missing piece to their meditation puzzle.

I teach because there was a time when meditation was one of the only things holding me together. It was an absolute rockbottom crisis that led me back to my practice, because like many of us I let it go for years when things were seemingly going well and I thought I was too busy to meditate. Having no choice but to meditate my way out of uncertainty was the best thing that happened to me. It was like I had no choice but to tune back in to my frequency ~ and when I did my life began to click into place again.

So why wait until your life falls apart to start meditating?


“I want you to create your own intuitive, sustainable meditation practice so you can meditate anytime, anywhere, on your own, without a guide or a set of instructions.

A meditation practice that you love. One that you can’t wait to return to everyday.”

People are saying…

Thanks so much Kristin. I really enjoyed your course. It has been so helpful for me and it really changed my mindset about meditating. I recommend that you teach more of these classes because I think teenage girls and boys could really use this information and become skilled at being good meditators. It surely helped me, especially since exams are this week.

These classes have honestly changed me as a person for the better and I really appreciate that ❤️.
— Lily
I just did your creative garden meditation. It was so wonderful and the recording was great. Quality, tone, pace and everything. What a trip. At the end I could see these glowing vertical waves and they were moving my physical body. And then I went with it, eyes closed, stood up and was doing these kind of tai chi aura building and energy cleansing movements. I don’t know how to explain in words but wowsers. Thank you. 
— Jacq
Oh my goodness Kristin, I heard the most AMAZING things about today ~ my heart.  The group is just glowing.  Thank you so so much for being the first meditation practitioner in The Waiting Room…it’s such a gift to work with you. xx
— Marieke
Thank you for your meditation course! The whole experience was so well thought out and presented in such a way that it made for a very warm and safe environment. I got so much out of it and I’m sure the others felt the same. Awesome work by you and a great rewarding experience for me.
— Beck

Meditate with me.

I would love to help you find the missing piece to your meditation puzzle ~ your ‘way in’ to a practice that completely resonates with you.

If you would like to know more about individual sessions with me, new online workshops and deep dive meditations, please get in touch.

I respect your privacy.